Library rules

During working Days: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM

  1. All users must observe total silence in the library and its environs at all times.
  2. All users are required to show their college IDs to the librarian upon entrance to the library.
  3. Use of mobile phones or any electronic gadget is strictly prohibited in the library.
  4. All bags, cases, folders etc, must be left in the luggage area outside the library.
  5. Users are not allowed to leave their baggage overnight in the library. The library shall not take any responsibility for loss of personal property or books already signed out to a user.
  6. All users are required to show all items to the librarian before leaving the library.
  7. No student is allowed to enter the circulation area without the consent of the library staff.
  8. Anyone caught marking, defacing or mutilating books or any other library material will be expected to pay for the material with the most current edition of the same.
  9. Good order must be observed in the library at all times for example placing of feet on the furniture, eating and drinking, smoking, sleeping etc. will not be allowed.
  10. Use of sound equipments like radios, walkmans, cell phones etc, is strictly prohibited in the library and its environs.
  11. Users are not allowed to reshelf books after removing them from the shelf. Leave the books on the table or on the trolley near the door.
  12. No library equipment may be moved, modified or tampered with without permission from the librarian.
Borrowing Procedure
  1. Borrowing period is strictly between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm except lunch time (01:00 pm to 02:00 pm).
  2. A user must be a registered student in the current term to be able to use the library services.
  3. All students must present their college ID before borrowing any library materials.
  4. Library materials may not be removed from the library unless the library assistant has properly issued them out.
  5. Students are allowed to borrow a maximum of one book for a period of five working days.
  6. All borrowed materials must be returned on or before the due date.
  7. Students are not allowed to borrow books on behalf of others or transfer borrowed materials to other students.
  8. Students with overdue materials and overdue fines will not be allowed to use the library services.
  9. All reserve materials must be returned at the specified time.
  10. Members should examine the books at the time of borrowing and inform the librarian of any damage.
  11. All books should be returned at the end of every semester.
The Following materials can only be used within the library
  1. Reference books.
  2. Newspapers.
  3. Journals and magazines.
Damage/ Loss of Library Materials
  1. All users will be held responsible for any damage or loss of library materials in their possession and will be required to meet the cost of replacement and processing.
  2. Users must ensure that the books they borrow are in good condition to avoid being held responsible for any damages noted while returning the books.
  3. Lost books must be reported to the librarian immediately and replaced or paid for within 30 days.
  4. Lost library books that are recovered, must be handed to the librarian as they remain the property of the college library.
Overdue Charges / Fines
  1. General collection books Rs. 25 per day
  2. Reserve material Rs. 5 per day

If the due date falls on a holiday the book can be returned on the next working day without fine.

Exclusion from the use of the Library
  1. The Institute shall have the power to suspend or exclude from use of the library any user who disregards the library rules and regulations.
  2. The library assistant have the right to ask students to leave the library if they are behaving inappropriately or causing disturbance to other users.

The following people are allowed to use the library:

  1. All registered students of the Institute.
  2. Faculty and other staff in the Institute.
  3. Known members of the community and those with a genuine need have limited access to the library.
  1. All registered students, faculty and staff have borrowing privileges in the library. Other people may use the library but do not have borrowing privileges.
Loan Periods

The length of time that books may be borrowed is as follows:

  1. Students: One book for 5 days (including holidays); renewable only once.
  2. Faculty: Four books for four weeks.
  3. Other staff: two books for two weeks.
Damage and loss of library materials
  1. Any user who causes damage to or lose of any library materials or other library property will be charged for replacement costs. Marking of books and other library materials will be regarded as damage.

NB: These rules and regulations are subject to review by the Institute from time to time.