Board of Academic Affairs of IIHT (BOAA)

Board of Academic Affairs (BOAA) is responsible for preparation, revision and updates of the syllabus of Diploma and Post Diploma and within BOAA there are two sub committees responsible for all matter related to examinations i.e. framing of rules, conduct of examinations, appointment of examiners, moderation of question papers, declaration of results, etc. The present composition of the BOAA is the following:-

Sl. No. Member Details Designation
1 Dr. Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor,
Deptt. of Textile and Fibre Engineering, IIT, New Delhi
2 Dr. Vijay Dua, Head of Academic Affairs,
NIFT, New Delhi
3 Dr. Alok Kumar, Professor,
IICT, Bhadohi (U.P.)
4 Dr. Prakash Vasudevan, Director,
SITRA, Coimbatore
5 Shri Arindam Basu, Director,
NITRA, Ghaziabad, New Delhi
6 Dr. Ravindra D. Kale, Professor,
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
7 Dr. Subhankar Maity, Assistant Professor,
Uttar Pradesh Technology Institute, Kanpur
8 Director, IIHT, Salem Member
9 Director, IIHT, Varanasi Member
10 Director, IIHT, Jodhpur Member
11 Director, IIHT, Guwahati Member
12 Director, IIHT, Bargarh Member
13 Director, IIHT, Fulia Member
14 Principal, SPKM IIHT, Venkatagiri, A.P. Member
15 Principal, KHTI, Gadag – Betgeri, Karnataka Member
16 Principal, IIHT, Champa, Chattisgarh Member
17 Executive Director, IIHT, Kannur Member
18 Shri Sr. Debasish Das, HOD, University of Calcutta Member
19 Shri M. Balraj, Hantex India, Karur Member (Industry Nomination)
20 Shri N. Sundaram, Adventure India, New Delhi Member (Industry Nomination)

Constitution of Sub-Committees within BOAA :

  1. SUB-COMMITTEE-I : For preparation, moderation and printing of Question papers :
    The members are as follows :
    1. Chairman
    2. Director / Head of Office of all IIHTs
    3. Convenor*
    4. Experts for ancillary subjects viz., English, Physics, Maths etc.**
  2. SUB-COMMITTEE-II : For declaration of results :
    The members are as follows :
    1. Chairman
    2. Convenor*
    3. One Director / Head of Office from Central Sector Institute***
    4. One Principal / OIC from State Sector Institute***

* Convenor-Director / Head of the Institute of Examination Cell.
** The experts from the location where the meeting of sub-committee.
*** One Director / OIC from Central Sector Institute and One Principal/ OIC from

These two sub-committees will meet twice in year.

Meeting of BOAA – Once in year along with Governing Body (G.B.) to facilitate ratification of decisions taken in the meeting of BOAA by G.B. The agenda for meeting of BOAA shall be compiled by Director, IIHT, Varanasi in consultation with other IIHT.