Examination rules

1. Eligibility For Appearing In The Examinations:
  1. A candidate for becoming eligible to appear in the examination must deposit the prescribed examination fee through his/her Head of Institute. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure timely deposit of the examination fees.
  2. A candidate for becoming eligible to appear in the examination must put in satisfactory attendance of at least 75% of the total lectures/periods in theory and practical subjects put together as per the prescribed study scheme.
  3. A candidate for becoming to appear in the examination must satisfactorily complete all the specified laboratory practical & project work as prescribed in the curriculum for the year.
2. Fee For Examination:
  1. A Candidate intending to appear in the examination shall remit the prescribed fee (Rs. 100/-) per semester through Head of the respective Institute (Director/Principal/Officer-in-Charge). It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure timely remittance of examination fee.
  2. Fees once paid shall not be refunded.
  3. Candidate appearing examination in back papers along with regular Semester Examination shall pay examination fee separately for back papers.
3. Time Schedule for remittance of examination fee:
  1. For regular candidates – At the time of admission/reopening along with other fees.
  2. For Semesters/back paper candidates:
  3. For examination conducted in November-December: From 21st August to 4th September.
  4. For examination conducted in April-May: From 14th February to 28th February. (no separate communication will be sent to the failed candidates for remittance of examination fees)
  5. The fee is subject to revision by the Competent Authority from time to time and the candidate has to pay the amount as per the prevailing rate at that time.
4. Attendance:
  1. A candidate for becoming eligible to appear in the examination must put in satisfactory attendance of at least 75% of the total lectures/periods in theory and practical subjects put together held in that particular semester.
  2. Percentage of attendance for First Year will be reckoned from the date of admission up to the last date of regular classes held. However, the period after First Year (winter vacation) shall not be taken into account for reckoning attendance.
  3. Percentage of attendance for Third Semester, Fourth Semester, Fifth Semester & Sixth Semester shall be reckoned from the date of commencement of Semesters up to the last date of regular classes held.
  4. Semester winter vacation period between Third & Fourth semesters and between Fifth & Sixth Semesters will be reckoned for percentage of attendance in Fourth and Sixth Semester on account of Education Tour of third semester and Project work of fifth Semester.
5. Last Date For Counting Of Attendance:
  1. 16TH November for odd Semester (I, III & IV Semesters)
  2. 25th April for even Semesters (II, IV & VI Semesters)
6. Condonation of Attendance:
  1. The minimum overall percentage of attendance (in all subjects) of the current Semester required for a candidate to become eligible to write the Board’s Examination is 75%.
    Under extra ordinary circumstances and on medical ground, the Head of the Institute may consider condoning up to a maximum of 15% shortage of attendance subject to the condition that the candidate satisfies all other requirements to appear in the Board’s examination. Under no circumstances a candidate with attendance less than 65% shall be permitted to appear the Board’s Examination. The condonation of 15% shall not be done as a routine to all the candidates, but only for extra ordinary genuine cases and on medical ground. It shall not be the claim of a candidate, as a matter of right by all candidates.
  2. A candidate debarred from appearing in the examination, due to shortage of attendance shall repeat that particular semester of the course in the succeeding academic year without break and without break and without stipend. Attendance for such repeaters shall be reckoned from the date of reopening of the Institute for that particular semester. If the candidate again fails to secure minimum required percentage of attendance, his/her name shall be removed from the roll of the Institute.
  3. “Students with requisite attendance on a particular semester after receiving the Hall Ticket from the Institute should necessarily appear in the Board Examination at least in one paper, either Theory or Practical of the concerned regular semester (not in supplementary paper) to become eligible to continue his/her studies in the next semester in the nstitution. If not, such candidates shall have to take re-admission in the same semester, in the next academic year.
  4. Repeat of year/semester may be allowed more than one time. However, the students have to complete the entire course within the maximum period of 5years from the date of admission in the Institute.
7. Medium Of Instruction & Examination

English will be the medium of instruction and examination. Candidates appearing in the examination shall have to write and communicate answers to the questions through the medium of English language only.

8. Frequency Of Examination

Examination shall be conducted twice in a year i.e. for Odd Semesters in the month of November-December and for Even Semesters in the month of April-May, as per the dates and time announced by the Board.

9. Centre of Examination

Students of each Institute shall attend examination from the respective Institute only. No change of examination centre shall be allowed.

  1. Examinations shall be held in all the Institutes simultaneously.
  2. If the examination could not be conducted in any centre/Institute for reasons whatsoever, the said examination of that particular centre/ Institute shall be treated as null and void. Any further action in this regard as deemed fit shall be taken by the Board of Academic Affairs of the Institutes.
10. Hall Tickets (Admit Cards)
  1. Hall tickets are being issued to all those who registered themselves for the examination by paying the prescribed examination fee within the prescribed time limit. However, the hall tickets shall not be issued to the candidates who do not have the minimum required attendance in the current semester.
  2. No candidates shall be permitted to enter in the examination hall without a valid Hall Ticket.
  3. If a candidate had lost the Hall Ticket, a duplicate Hall Ticket may be issued on payment of Rs. 50/-.
  4. If a candidate inadvertently forgets to bring the Hall Ticket on a particular day of examination, he/she may be permitted to appear in the examination for that day only with due permission of the Superintendent of Examinations after receiving undertaking that the Hall Ticket will be produced on the following day for verification.
11. Internal Assessment Marks/ Semester Examination Marks Standard of Passing & Grading:
  1. Internal Assessment Marks: The internal assessment shall be made on the basis of two unit tests to be conducted for 20 marks in each subject during the regular classes by the respective subject teachers or in the mode of regular sitting examinations, as may be decided by the authority of the Institute.
  2. The semester end examination marks in each subject will be 80.
  3. To pass an examination a candidate shall obtain minimum 35% marks in each subject and at least 40% marks in aggregate in the Internal Assessment and Semester Examinations marks put together, in each subject.
  4. A candidate obtaining less than 35% marks in one subject in the Semester Examination (i.e. 28 out of 80) but obtaining 40% or more marks in aggregate of Semester and Internal Examination put together shall be declared as FAL in that subject.


Subject Terminal exam marks 20 Annual Exam Marks 80 Total 100 Result
Engg. Math 8 32 40 Pass
Applied physics 20 27 47 *Fail
Fabric Structure 12 28 40 Pass
Engg. Chemistry 0 40 40 Pass
English-1 4 36 40 Pass

*Though the student has secured 40% in aggregate he/she is declared Fail in the subject as him/her mark in the Annual Examination is less than 35% (i.e. 28).

12. Eligibility To Continue In The Next Higher Semester

Under Run-through system the students are permitted to continue their studies in next higher semester even if they do not pass in the lower Semester, but

  1. The students with enough attendance on a particular semester after receiving the Hall Ticket from the Institute should necessarily appear in the Board Examination at least in one paper, either Theory or Practical of the concerned regular semester (not in supplementary paper) to become eligible to continue his/her studies in the next semester. If not, such candidates shall have to take re-admission in the same semester, in the next academic year.
  2. Back paper examination for the subjects of even/odd semesters will be held together wth the regular odd/ even semester examination.
  3. The students have the right to appear in any number of back papers, examinations in each semester as per their choice.
  4. A student who has failed in the examination shall be allowed to reappear in the failed subject(s) only in which he/she has failed, i.e. students need not to re-appear n other pass subjects for improvement of marks.
  5. A candidate shall be required to complete the Diploma Course within a maximum of 5 years from the year of admission in the Institute; failing which his/her name will be removed from the roll of the Institute, i.e. student admitted in July 2016 should complete the course in April-May 2021.
  6. When a student fails in any subject(s), at any point of time, his/her internal Assessment marks in the subject (s) will be carried forward to the subsequent supplementary semester examination, as secured in first attempt itself.
13. Classified Of Successful Candidates:
FIRST CLASS 60% and above
SECOND CLASS 50% and above
PASS* 40% and above

The first 10 students, who obtained highest percentage in aggregate up to VI semester of Examination and also passes all the semester examinations in first attempt only, shall be placed in the Rank List, in order of merit. However, student appearing in Supplementary Examination shall not be awarded the Rank.

14. Declaration Of Result:

Result of the examinations declares by the Board of Academic Affairs normally in the 2nd/3rd week of June for even semester examinations and in the 2nd/3rd week of January for the odd semester examinations.

15. Award of Diploma

Students are awarded Diploma in Handloom & Textile Technology by the Governing Body of IIHTs on successful completion of the Course.

16. Date of Awarding Diploma

The date of awarding of Diploma shall be the date of declaration of result of the Examination.

17. Re-Totaling of Marks:

The marks obtained by a candidate shall be re-totalled on receipt of application from the candidate and on payment of prescribed fee of Rs. 100/- for each subject. Application for re-totalling of marks shall be submitted by the candidate within 30 days from the date of publication of result of the examination.

18. Rechecking/ Revaluation of Answer Sheet:

The students will be allowed to obtain the copy of answer book on payment of Rs. 100/- per subject. After receiving the answer book the students can apply for revaluation of his/he answer book on payment of prescribed fee of Rs.200/- per subject. In each case, the student shall apply within the time limit of 30 days from the date of declaration of result or the date of reopening of Institute, whichever is later.

In case of revaluation, if the deviation of marks is within 10%, the result/marks of the first occasion shall be taken into account. In case of deviation of more than 10%, average of the 2 evaluations shall be taken into account. In case the average of the two evaluations is less than original marks obtained by the candidate then the original marks shall be taken into account.

19. Issue of Mark Sheet/ Diploma Certificate and Transfer Certificate:
  1. Mark sheet for each Semester Examination, Appearing Certificates and “Passing/ Provisional Certificate (“after declaration of result and if needed) for Sixth Semester students shall be issued by the Head of the respective Institutes. He consolidated Mark Sheet for the award of Diploma shall be issued by the Convener, BOAA.
  2. For candidates appearing in the subsequent attempt, separate mark sheet will be issued mentioning internal marks and semester marks in the appearing subjects only, status of result and aggregate of marks (in case of passing all failed paper)
  3. For successful candidate, consolidated mark sheet indicating all 6 Semester marks will be issued against payment of Rs. 300/- by the Convener, BOAA.
  4. Diploma Certificates and Character Certificates shall be issued to the successful candidates by the respective Institute after declaration of result of Final Semester Examination.
  5. Transfer Certificate shall be issued by the respective Institute to the candidate on completion of the course, at his/her request.
  6. Mark Sheet, Diploma Certificate and Transfer / Character Certificate shall be collected by the candidates in person. Otherwise, it will be sent by Registered Post at his/her request on payment of the prescribed charges of Rs. 50/- each document.
  7. The Final Semester Mark Sheets of candidates who pass in the Final Semester Examination, but do have back papers in the lower semester examinations, will be withheld by the Board till they clear all the arrears. Such withheld mark sheet will be automatically released by the Board and send to the Institution along with the Provision / Diploma certificates, when the candidates do pass their arrear papers.
20. Issue Of Duplicate Mark Sheet, Diploma Certificate and Transfer Certificate

Duplicate copy of mark sheet, Diploma Certificate and Transfer Certificate shall be issued only against proof of loss. Certificate of non –traceability from the Police authorities and an affidavit signed/ authenticated by First Class Judicial Magistrate shall be submitted along with application for issue of duplicate copy of the document and also prescribed fee shall be remitted to the concerned Institute. The copy of document issued shall be marked as ‘Duplicate’.

21. Retention Period of Answer Books

Answer books of candidate shall be preserved for a period of one year after declaration of the result. The answer books of candidate who may have used unfair means in the examination shall be kept for a period of one year or till the enquiry in the matter is over.

22. Conduct Of Students In The Examination and Penalty For Acts of Miscounduct:
  1. Admission To Examination Hall:

    No candidate shall be allowed to enter the examination hall half an hour after the commencement of the examination. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the examination hall within half-an hour of the commencement of the examination.

  2. Candidates Found Copying or Misbehaving During the Examination:

    If during the examination, a candidate is found copying or using or attempting to use unfair means and unless he/she has been ousted for gross misbehaviour, he/she would not be expelled from examination. The Superintendent of Examination shall provisionally permit such candidate to appear for the remaining/ full examination at the Centre. The candidate’s answer book and copying material if any shall be seized and his/her written undertaking shall be obtained by the Hall Invigilator. A fresh answer book shall then be issued for writing the rest of examination. The Hall Invigilator shall report the matter to the Superintendent of the Examination of that particular Centre who in turn shall report the matter with full details of Convenor, BOAA. The Convener shall place the matter before the BOAA for appropriate action. The concerned candidate shall be asked to appear before disciplinary committee constituted by the Chairman, BOAA. The Disciplinary Committee shall consists of (1) Chairman, (2) Convener and (3) Head of the Institute where the candidate appeared in the examination (the prescribed formats for hall Superintendent’s report and candidate’s statement are annexed).

  3. Copying Cases Detected by the Examiner While Evaluating the Answer Books:
    • When a case of copying or malpractice is detected by an examiner while evaluating the answer books, examiner shall report the matter to the Convenor, BOAA along with his observations. The Convenor shall place the matter before the BOAA for appropriate action. The concerned candidate shall be required to appear before the Disciplinary Committee constituted by the Chairman, BOAA.
    • Writing an appeal to the examiner offering money or offering any irrelevant matters in the answer books, attaching money in the answer book and giving contact numbers/ telephone numbers, etc.
    • Writing cine songs/ stories/ poems or drawing sketches irrelevant to the subject in the answer book or additional answer sheet.
    • Writing filthy / indecent/ vulgar words or sketching obscene figures, etc. in the answer books or additional sheet attached.
    • To be successful and declared ‘Pass’ in each Semester Eng Examination, a student shall secure minimum 35% marks in each subject and 40% in aggregate.
    • Any student failing in more than one subject will be declared ‘Failed’ and will be allowed to continue the course only after passing the subjects in which he/she failed, by appearing in the Supplementary/ Annual examination.
    • A student, who has failed in the Annual Examination but secured 40% or more marks in aggregate, shall be allowed to appear only in the subjects in which he/she has failed.
    • A student who has failed in the Annual Examination and secured less than 40% marks in aggregate shall appear in all the subjects of that year in the Supplementary Annual Examination to complete the year of the course.
    • A student declared ‘Failed’ in the Annual Examination shall be allowed three chances including the first attempt to pass the examination in each year of the course.
    • Number of chances admissible to a candidate will run concurrently from the Annual Examination whether the candidate is present or absent in the examination.
23. Conduct Rules:
  1. Students shall maintain discipline and punctuality in attending the classes.
  2. Attendance shall be taken for each period. The % of attendance will be calculated based on the number of periods held during the year. The minimum aggregate Percentage of 75% is required for a candidate to be eligible for appearing in the annual examination and also to receive the stipend.
  3. Students are required to be well-behaved at all times at all places in such a manner so as to bring credit to them and to the Institution.
  4. Smoking, consuming of alcohol and gambling in any form are strictly prohibited in the Institute Campus.
  5. Ragging in the Institute is strictly prohibited.
  6. Students should not loiter in the open yard or verandah during the working hours.
  7. Students should not hold or attend any meeting in the Institute campus without proper permission of the Director/ Officer -in-charge of the Institute.
  8. Students should not indulge in undignified activities such as defacing the walls, floor, desks, drawing table, toilet block, etc.
  9. Students should not take utmost care to maintain cleanliness in the Institute campus.
  10. Students should not leave the class/Institute during class hours without prior permission.
  11. Students should not indulge in political activities.
  12. Students should not damage property of the Institute campus.
  13. Students should not quarrel/ fight with each other or threaten the student(s) or staff of the Institute.
  14. Students should not neglect work, disobedience of work, insubordination or disrespect etc.
24. Disciplinary Action

On the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute (which include Sr. Faculty members as Chairman and other faculty as Members), the Director/ Officer-in-Charge of the Institute concerned shall take decision as may be deemed fit depending upon the act of misconduct by the students. Any of the following actions may be initiated against such students:

  1. Strict warning
  2. Transfer from one Institute to another in consultation with Director of other Institute.
  3. Rustication from the Institute. In case of rustication of a student, he/she will have to refund the entire stipend paid during his/her study in the Institute.
  4. Temporary or permanent dismissal or debarment from attending classes in the Institute.
  5. Discontinuation of stipend for a specified period.
  6. Impose fine to an individual student or mass, if they are involved in any act of discipline. In case of damage of Govt. property, the cost will be recovered from the student(s) apart from disciplinary action.